Nathan Lustig

Cinthia Merlos, Vexi: Helping Mexicans Build Credit, Ep 188

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

Subscribe to the LatamList Weekly newsletter to get updated on the week’s top tech news and stories from the region.

Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode:

  • [01:18]: About Vexi
  • [03:53]: Cinthia’s background
  • [06:54]: Cinthia’s motivations
  • [07:51]: Breaking into the entrepreneurial world
  • [09:21]: Lessons learned from her corporate career
  • [11:23]: Best thing about building Vexi as a business
  • [12:15]: Where is Vexi heading to
  • [13:36]: How are people using their credit card
  • [16:06]: Cinthia’s books and podcasts recommendations

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Nicolas Girard, Oxio: Democratizing mobile connectivity in Latin America, Ep 187

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

Subscribe to the LatamList Weekly newsletter to get updated on the week’s top tech news and stories from the region.

Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode:

  • [00:01] – Introduction to this episode
  • [01:20] – About Oxio
  • [03:23] – From working for the government to entrepreneurship
  • [05:51] – Wireless communication
  • [07:43] – Biggest lessons from working for the government
  • [10:49] – Biggest lessons learned from the financial crisis
  • [14:37] – How Oxio came to be
  • [16:22] – The affordability of mobile connectivity
  • [19:07] – About Brand IQ
  • [22:29] – Why is Latinamerica a great place to invest?
  • [26:43] – How crypto and Web3 apply to telecom
  • [33:15] – Advice to a young Nicolas

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Rebecca Fischer, Divibank: Helping Brazilian entrepreneurs scale with non-dilutive capital, Ep 186

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

Subscribe to the LatamList Weekly newsletter to get updated on the week’s top tech news and stories from the region.

Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode:

  • [01:10] – About Divibank
  • [01:42] – What financing looks like for SMEs in Brazil
  • [03:40] – Divibank’s average client
  • [05:10] – Rebecca’s background
  • [06:00] – Lessons learned from working in advertising agencies
  • [08:08] – ABC of non-dilutive financing 
  • [11:30] – Divibank’s zero to one
  • [12:58] – Divibank’s first steps
  • [14:43] – Divibank’s experience with fundraising
  • [16:30] – Where is Divibank today
  • [17:49] – Rebecca’s book recommendations
  • [19:21] – Rebecca’s advice to a younger self
  • [20:10] – What’s next for Divibank

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Manuel Beaudroit, Belo: How cryptocurrency is helping Latin Americans, Ep 185

You can now find the full show notes of the Crossing Borders podcast on’s new podcast section. I’ll still post the audio of the podcast on my blog and I’m planning to start writing more again on my blog, like I used to.

Subscribe to the LatamList Weekly newsletter to get updated on the week’s top tech news and stories from the region.

Thanks for listening to Crossing Borders all these years! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out here, or contact me on social media.

Outline of this episode:

  • [01:20] – About Belo
  • [01:59] – What does inflation look like in Latin America versus the U.S.?
  • [04:30] – Manuel’s background
  • [06:00] – Previous ventures before Belo
  • [10:27] – Why is bitcoin popular in Argentina?
  • [13:25] – Why Manuel started Belo instead of anything else
  • [16:30] – How clients use Belo
  • [19:43] – How will Belo’s use cases and products evolve?
  • [23:11] – Misunderstandings of crypto and Web3
  • [25:56] – Book recommendations
  • [26:45] – Advice to younger self
  • [28:20] – What’s next for Belo

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