The newest Start-Up Chile application period is now open and the deadline is a week from tomorrow, Thursday October 27th. Start-Up Chile will select the 100 best startups to invite to Chile. Over 1300 companies have applied for the program in the past year.
It is a great program and I encourage all entrepreneurs who are in the bootstrapping phase or already have developed a product but need more time to figure out the correct business model to apply.
My company, Entrustet, was part of the pilot phase of Start-Up Chile and arrived in Chile in November 2010, just about a year ago. I blogged extensively about my experiences in the program and in Chile, along with advice on how to get selected for Start-Up Chile.
I’ve written or reviewed five applications for Start-Up Chile teams and four have been selected for the program. I can help you craft an application that emphasizes the criteria that the judges are looking for.
If you need help with your application, please contact me. Editing, writing, review, advice. I charge a small flat fee to review and edit your application, plus a success fee if you are selected for the program after I’ve helped you.
Want help? Got questions? What a quote? Email me: nate at nathanlustig dot com or fill out my contact form.
Note: I WILL NOT write letters of recommendation for money. I reserve these only for people I know well.
I just missed out. I heard about the October 27 deadline only a week before, and didn’t have time to complete my application. I’m going to Ecuador in January to work on my own startup but would love the chance to attend the next Startup Chile.