How to Diversify Your Assets With Latin American Real Estate Podcast

Max Coursey, the founder of Tiger Prop, an innovative real estate brokerage based in Boise, Idaho, invited me to be on his Real Estate Insiders Radio podcast. We covered a huge amount of ground about Andes Property and PropertySimple including:

  • Tips for investing in Latin America
  • Common misconceptions about Latin America
  • Cap rates and net return deep dive in Chile and Colombia
  • Tips for investing safely and profitably
  • Comparison to returns in the US
  • PropertySimple’s new AI tool for real estate agents
  • How the internet’s changed for real estate leads in the past few years

Thanks again for inviting me Max, I had a great time! If you have any follow up questions about investing in Latin American real estate or PropertySimple’s real estate tool, feel free to reach out!

Listen to “Nate Lustig – Learn How To Diversify Your Assets – Invest In Latin America!” on Spreaker.

Start-Up Chile 101 and Chile The Expat’s Guide 2nd Editions

In 2012, after living 2+ years in Chile, I wrote Start-Up Chile 101, the book I’d wished I’d had before joining the Start-Up Chile program. A year later, I wrote Chile: The Expat’s Guide for all of the foreigners who were thinking about moving to Chile.

Since then, these books have been bought by thousands of people thinking about living, working and doing business in Chile. Over the past four years, while working as Magma Partners’ managing partner, I learned even more about Chile and the rest of Latin America and decided to update both of these books.

The new books are reworked to include:


I love investing in companies that at first glance seem like they’d have a small market, but where further study shows that the market is orders of magnitude larger I originally thought. It’s even better when they can create a category.

That’s why I’m excited to finally be able to announce our investment in GroupRaise. We first invested in GroupRaise in early 2016 after I’d been trying to convince Devin Baptiste, GroupRaise’s cofounder and CEO, to let us invest since we started Magma back in 2013. After watching Devin, Sean, Kevin and Paul and the rest of the team set milestones and execute against them, while usually blowing them out of the water, it was a no brainer to invest again in 2017 when they asked for more capital to grow more quickly, especially when we’re able to invest alongside great investors like Techstars Ventures and Kapor Capital.

GroupRaise is a marketplace and booking engine that allows groups of 20-200 to books events in 5500+ restaurants in 150+ cities across the United States. Restaurants donate up to 25% of these groups’ bills to the organization or charity of their choice.

Why would restaurants want to do this? Most people think they’re just being good corporate citizens, and they are, as they’re giving back to their communities. But most people don’t realize that GroupRaise is one of the most cost effective ways of getting new clients into the restaurant and getting them to come back again. Of 100 people who go to a GroupRaise, 40 are new clients, 82 spend more than average and 96 come back in the future!

Portal Finance

I’m excited to announce that Portal Finance is the winner of our FinTech competition and is now part of the Magma Partners portfolio. Portal Finance stood out from of the multitude of companies that applied from all over Latin America because of founders Diego Caicedo, Felipe Puntarelli and Nicholas Bohorquez’s deep experience in the market and the ability to translate it into a top notch product with clients in multiple countries that can expand worldwide.